My Name is Simon: A Rainfall Short StoryMy Name is Simon: A Rainfall Short Story by Melissa Delport

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was so eager to read this book that I bought it as soon as I saw it without even bothering to look at the price.
I am a huge fan of Melissa Delport’s writing but “Rainfall” had me sobbing like a baby so I never reviewed it.
Reading “My Name is Simon” however is such a comfort after “Rainfall”.
This isn’t a full novel but Simon’s character and his motivations are shown so well. As much as I hated him it was impossible not to feel for this guy who has had most of his life ripped from him.
I desperately wanted to hate this book (to match my initial hatred of Simon) but I couldn’t.
“My Name is Simon” is incredibly well-written and the book finishes beautifully.

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