“Did I Mention I Love You” is a series by Estelle Maskame that follows Eden and her on-again-off-again relationship with her step-brother. Now I don’t know about you but that description just makes the series sound cliche and odd. Here’s the thing though- Eden and Tyler meet when she goes to visit her estranged father and his new family. Eden and Tyler have never known each other before and now they’re expected to behave as family. I hated Tyler’s bad boy behaviour in book one (“Did I Mention I Love You) but unlike most bad boys, Tyler actually had a reason for his behaviour. I really enjoyed this book and was devastated when it ended-and I say that as someone who had all three books ready to read. This is a series that NEEDS to be binge-read.



The second book follows Eden and Tyler during a holiday in New York. Tyler is trying to be a better person and it is such a great thing to see. I honestly expected him to be a bad boy throughout the series. It was refreshing to see such great character development.


Eden irritated me in this book since she *SPOILERS AHEAD READ AT OWN RISK* kept expecting Tyler to still have feelings for her even though she was dating his best friend. I was also annoyed when she kept getting jealous over Tyler. Um, you’re dating his best friend and you don’t seem to want to end the relationship. Stop being such a selfish cow *END SPOILERS*

The ending was totally unexpected and took me by surprise and just like the first book, I was desperate to read on.


The last book, “Did I Mention I Miss You” is a blur of feels and so enjoyable. It is far lighter than the first two books and really makes up for all of the previous sad parts.

I enjoyed this series immensely and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance. Just remember that this is a series that is best enjoyed as a binge-read.


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