What Would Emma Do?What Would Emma Do? by Eileen Cook
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Emma lives in a small town with a bunch of crazy people who twist the Bible for their own needs.
Okay so maybe I’m exaggerating a little but this novel hit a bit too close to home. I’ve seen people use religion to justify things or do or even worse seen religious people do bad things and be okay with it.
And that’s precisely what happens here. The popular girls at school suddenly start falling ill. The town believes it to be the work of the devil…except Emma has seen the goody-two-shoes Queen Bee and her bestie taking drugs. Does Emma risk speaking out?
Like I said before I loved that I could relate to this book. It felt like Eileen Cook had taken my life and written about it. I was not too happy with the ending but like most Eileen Cook endings it’s realistic

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