We are almost to my birthday! Okay, no. My birthday is in three months but whatever. April is my mother’s birthday month and it makes me incredibly happy because once this month is over I can finally start discussing my birthday plans. Here are the books I got for April so far (I have to say so far because recently I feel like I have  been magically finding books everywhere I go despite my supposed book ban):


1) SPCA and Bargain Books Book Haul:

Please take a minute to observe and be astounded by the small size of my haul. Also, YAY boxsets. I was working on the day of the SPCA booksale so by the time I got there, there were not many books that I found interesting. However I did find Matilda which I’ve always wanted to read. When I first started work and my co-workers found out about my love of reading, they called me the real-life Matilda (this quickly came to an end when I told them I had  no idea who that was).

I also managed to get a copy of “Seed” from Bargain Books. If you follow me on social media, you know that I have wanted this book for a really long time. I’ve seen it in the bookstore during my last two visits but I left it behind because I already read it and I had other (unread) books that I was buying (but still haven’t read any of those books). Anyway, when I got to Bargain Books, I looked around the entire store twice and was unable to find the book.I very reluctantly asked the saleslady to look it up and within a few minutes, the staff located a copy for me. I was overjoyed. “Seed” was one of the first Netgalley books I ever read and I enjoyed it immensely. The story is captivating and the writing is incredible. I feel like I have come so far as a person and as a book reviewer since then and I NEEDED this book to remind me of the girl I was back then. I don’t even know if I’m making sense right now but words cannot express how much it meant to me that I finally got this book.


2)  Review Copies from Jonathan Ball Publishers:

I requested “The Perfect Girlfriend” by Karen Hamilton because I recently read “The Woman in The Window”” and I LOVED IT. I very rarely enjoy mysteries but that was a book that made me rethink my opinion on the entire genre. I’m hoping that “The Perfect Girlfriend” will be something along those lines. “The Wren Hunt” has been all over my social media and I’m both excited and scared to read it. Excited because it seems interesting but scared because what if it doesn’t live up to the hype (that is the eternal book question, if you ask me).

What books did you buy recently? Feel free to send me weblinks, pictures, comments, etc. If it’s book-related, I want to know.

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