City of Wishes 6: The Everafter Wish by Rachel Morgan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
In this last installment of “City of Wishes”, Elle is finally free of her evil stepmother AND she has magic. I was pretty excited to read this because it looked like things were finally going well for her. Of course that didn’t last long.
Elle wants to share her knowledge with the King as well as stop the Godmother and her army of vampires (there’s a sentence I never thought I’d ever see).
What I really liked about this is that although it wrapped things up (which made me kinda have lower expectations because where could we go from there?) it still packed a punch. There were still things that surprised me and some which left me speechless.
I have been reading Rachel Morgan’s books for a while now so I like to entertain myself in trying to spot her twists and turns beforehand. However this installment still managed to knock my guesses out the park.
Now that this book is complete you have absolutely no reason not to read. Definitely pick it up. I promise you won’t regret it.
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