I cannot believe that 2019 is finally ending. For me, personally I feel like this was a hellish year and I CANNOT wait to see it leave.

Here is my year in review of the best and the most brutal moments from 2019:

January– I started the year on a pretty good note by signing up for an online Digital Marketing course that I was convinced was going to change both my life and my career. While I have picked up some great blogging information from the course, I am still sadly in the exact same career field. Oh, well.

February– Had my first ever interview at a magazine which was my dream job. But I blew it which led to this blog post as well as the realization that I place way too much importance on my job.

March– Attended the Ed Sheeran concert and made time for family. Because I was a changed person now…mostly. I also spent R1300 on a discounted Johannesburg bookstore and then put myself on a book ban. It was supposed to last for 3 months but it ended up lasting for most of the year.

April– Watched my father’s company close down. Helped him make arrangements to move out of town for 3 months for a new job with a lesser salary.

May– Watch the company that promised my dad a job, ghost him and then ultimately turn him down. Had a meltdown on the blog about it. Also received a counselling letter at work from the two new managers because I was unable to go to work since we had no water for three days. Was repeatedly victimized by the lower of the two managers because HR decided to speak to her about it. Unfortunately for me she was also my new reporting manager.

June– Got shortlisted for a job that could possibly solve all of our problems. By this time our only source of income was flea markets and it was NOT looking good. Got turned down for the job the Friday before my 24th birthday. Also important to note, said manager made sure to grant me leave for all the days except my birthday. She has a wicked sense of humor that one *rolls eyes*. Gave up shopping

July– Turned 24 while still working at the call center. Cried when my wonderful manager didn’t even let me go home for my half-day for my birthday. Got put on a diet because all I had left going for me was food and now I couldn’t even eat my feelings.

August– Found out father’s heart is worsening. Laughed hysterically coz nothing goes our way.

September- Accepted that life sucks and whatever. Literally nothing worse can happen so things have to get better, right? Discovered the wonder that is Diwali flea markets and night markets. Finally started making some sort of income with the flea markets.

October– Got a warning at work. Got in trouble at work. Repeatedly. Stuck it out coz last October I had an even worse manager and October is our financial year-end. Watched in disbelief as the staff complained about our new reporting manager who was apparently screaming and demeaning ALL the staff (and here I thought I was special). Watched the department head speak to the reporting manager (and then she cried in a corner of the office which unfortunately everyone saw. I felt bad for her. Don’t worry, she’s back to her normal self now). Watched her hire newer managers for our team- one of whom has been applying for the position for over ten years.

November– Inspired by my new manager who was applying to be a manager for over ten years, I applied for writing jobs and finally got one.

December– Used my bonus to buy large amounts of alcohol. Because IT HAS BEEN A YEAR.

How has your year been? Better or worse than mine? I’d love to know below.

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