Love at First Fight by Sandhya Menon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“Love at First Fight” sets the scene for a romance between Pinky Kumar and Samir Jha. However I was just in it to see my favorites, Rishi, Dimple, Ashish and Sweetie. It is so cute how Ashish is STILL so smitten with Sweetie.
“Love at First Fight” follows the group as they tackle an escape room for Valentine’s Day. Of course the couples are together, leaving Pinky and Samir on their own team.
I actually cannot stand Samir. He seems like a totally dweeb. However I also hated Rishi at first read and he grew on me eventually so I am willing to give the other weird boy a chance.
I thought the whole set-up of the couples were kinda predictable but I really liked seeing these characters again.
Sweetie is sweet. Ashish is madly in love, Dimple is still raging against her mother’s anti feminist ways and Rishi is still superstitious and believing in Fate (Seriously, HOW are these two together?)
This was a quick read that I devored. Personally I don’t think you need to read this before reading “10 Things I Hate About Pinky” but it’s a great chance to see the characters from the previous books.
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