Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“Finding Audrey” is the story of Audrey who is unable to leave her house or take off her sunglasses- even inside her own house.
Something traumatic happened to her leaving Audrey scarred and unable to trust people.
But then she meets Linus who decides to write Audrey little notes in order to help her get used to him.
The two of them strike up a friendship and eventually with him at her side, Audrey is able to slowly face the world again.
So I had a family member recommend this book to me because I don’t like leaving the house and I was annoyed with them so I never read this book at the time.
Now that I have read it, I wish I had done so sooner (Story of my life).
It is hard not to feel compassion for Audrey and while she never goes into the story of what happened to her, I was rooting for her throughout the book.
Audrey makes me feel seen and reading this book calmed down my anxiety.
100 stars!
(P.S feel free to send more recommendations like this my way)
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