The Last Girl

The Last Girl by Goldy Moldavsky

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for a free review. I originally was attacted to this book because of the cover and the title reminded me of “Final Girl” (the film). The synopsis caught me attention and I knew this was a must-read.
It did take me a few weeks to get to it because of life but I loved every second of it and sped through the book.
“The Last Girl” tells the story of Rachel Chavez, a traumatized female who moves to a new school and is struggling to fit in. She stumbles upon the “Mary Shelley“ club, a small but elite club of students from different backgrounds who all share the same love for horror movies and indulge in pranks inspired by urban legends.
But as time goes on, the pranks start to take a dangerous turn and Rachel realizes that it might not be that easy for her to start a new life.
I found the first chapter woefully cliché with the whole new girl who doesn’t fit in trope but after that the book picked up speed.
This was a really well-written book. The plot was kind of cliché but it was a great comfort read. I loved the references to horror movies and saw some of my favorites mentioned in this book.
Basically this book gave me the same level of comfort that horror movies gave to Rachel.
If you are looking for a thrilling read, I strongly suggest this one.

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