So you’ve created a blog. You wrote your first post or your first few posts. But then life got in the way. Now what? Do you go back after months of radio silence? How often should you be blogging anyway?

There is no one correct answer. Experts say two to three times a week as per a quick Google search. I say that the correct blogging schedule is the one that you can stick to. Maybe that means once a week or once a month. As long as your audience knows when to expect new content from you, you’re good. Just remember that Google also needs to know that your blog is active.
Maybe you don’t feel like blogging constantly but there are things you can do to update your content. Or if you’re feeling too lazy, repurpose your existing content.
Take a look at others in your niche. How often are they blogging? Is it overkill or just enough? If I had time and resources I could get away with daily blog posts on books but things in the corporate world move a little slower.
As long as you continue to engage with your audience in some sort of way, you should be good to go.