Category: Beauty

6 Ideas for Selfcare Sunday

So Selfcare Sunday is by no means a new idea however it is something new for me.

I usually wait until I am close to tears before I decide “That’s it. I need a break.”

By picking a specific day, I know I am going to actually make time for me and I swear it makes the work week easier. Here are 6 ideas on what you can do to carve out some time for yourself. Also side note- it might say Sunday but you can (and should) always make time for YOU!

  1. Enjoy a warm beverage- For me this is either hot chocolate or a second cup of tea/coffee. Nothing brings me more comfort than the feel of a warm mug in my hands. (Often I end up drinking lukewarm tea because I was too busy using the mug to warm my hands).
  2. Journalling- Get out all your thoughts before the week begins so you can start the new week clearheaded and free. Bonus points for writing out your to-do list for the week so when the morning rolls around, you know exactly what it is that you need to do.
  3. Coloring- Coloring is an excellent destresser and a great way to calm your mind.
  4. Have a spa day- Whether it’s just a face mask and moisturizer or a full-on facial, take the time to treat your skin. It’ll feel amazing AND your face will be glowing by the end.
  5. Go all out for breakfast- Treat Yo self. And your tummy. You deserve to be spoiled and what better way that to start your day and your week with a breakfast that you’ll love.
  6. Escape into a book or TV show- Now this is something you all know I love. Watch some Netflix or catch up on your reading. You can escape reality without even leaving your couch.

Do you participate in Selfcare Sundays? What are your Sunday selfcare tips? I’d love to know below.

The Importance of Self Care and How to Make Time for It


A little while back, I read a life-changing book on skincare called The Little Book of Skincare by Charlotte Cho. The book emphasized how important it was to make time for yourself and your skin. I followed the book religiously and it wasn’t long before I realized how much better I felt when I made time to take care of myself. Fast forward a few months and self-care is mentioned more and more often.

It goes beyond just the physical though. Whether it’s spending time with family and friends or just having a lazy day, self-care is what you make of it. It is taking time out to put your needs first.

What do we need self-care?

In today’s busy world, we put everyone and everything before ourselves which usually leads to burnout. By taking the time out for self-care, you put effort into making sure you’re running at perk performance. You cannot help others if you cannot help yourself first.

How to Make Time for Self-Care

  • Plan it in advance- Like I said before, self-care is important so if you need to actually schedule it in, do so. I have certain times and dates reserved for family or friends, Netflix and Chill or Korean sheet masks. Say it with me, “I deserve a break.”
  • Make it part of a routine- Maybe do your routine at a specific time or a specific day so that it lines up with your plans
  • Make it a priority- Life happens. If you miss out on your self-care once in a while it is no big deal but make sure you DO make sure you eventually get some down time.

What is your self-care routine? Do you make time to do it every week? I’d love to know below.


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