1) You have a valid excuse for buying stacks of books:
Every time I go overboard at the bookstore (which is pretty often- you can’t price recent books at R69 and expect me not to buy them), I assure myself that it’s a very necessary blogging expense. Truth be told, there are times when I want to review a book that is mine and not a recent release so I love buying books for this reason. Also I love reviewing books just to say “omg I loved this book” or “this book was okay” as opposed to reviewing to create buzz for a book.
2) You have a valid excuse for reading that stack of books:
You have a legitimate excuse for doing nothing but reading. “I’m working on my blog” sometimes means I’m drafting blog posts but usually it means that I’m reading. Whatever. It’s still blog-related.
3) You may get free books:
I know free books is not a reason to start a blog but it is certainly a great perk. I love finding a really great book and then being approved for it on Netgalley before it releases. I will forever appreciate being able to read “With Malice” by Eileen Cook six months before it’s actual release date.
4) You get to meet the bookish community and make friends who understand all the crazy feels you get from books:
It is so great to be part of a community that understands crazy book habits. I feel like I’ve found my “people”. Book-lover unite and take over the world!
5) You discover new authors and new books:
Authors may ask you to review their books allowing you to discover new authors and books that you may not have found without your book blog.
6) It makes for a pretty fun hobby:
If I could describe book blogging I would say that it’s like living in a universe full of books. You read books, review books, write about books and so on. Just thinking about it makes me giddy. So many bookish stuff to do.
Do you have a book blog? What made you decide to start one? I’d love to know below (Also, feel free to share the URL below).