Tag: book blogging

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Start a Book Blog

I love my blog. Usually. Sure there are some moments when I’m stumped for content ideas and want to tear my hair out but most of the time I am pretty proud of what I have created. That being said, book blogging always feels like something I fell into rather than consciously going into. And with my years of experience I want to share 5 reasons why you SHOULDN’T start a book blog.

  1. Free Books– First and foremost. Free books. Whenever I mention I have a blog, the first thing people want to know is if I get free things. In fact I remember drawing out plans for a book blog back in ninth grade before an exam with the sole intention of getting free books. The blog never even got started but don’t be that person. Getting free books for a blog is so far off in the future that you are better off not starting a blog at all.
  2. It is hard work– Coming up with content is tough especially if you’re looking for non book-reviews content. Yes your blog can focus on just reviews but everyone does that. You want to stand out. You NEED to stand out.
  3. If you’re a bookworm, this is an expensive hobby– Here, ladies and gentleman we have the real reason I fell into book blogging. To justify my bookworm habits. No I’m not obsessive about books and fictional characters. I’m just a book blogger. For the longest while, my book blog was used as an excuse to purchase more and more books. Now I’m sitting with 3 shelves of unread books and instead of reading them, I’m watching Netflix. (They look at me with judgement in their spines and I can’t stand it).
  4. It is incredibly time-consuming– You need to generate content ideas, get graphics, draft posts and edit. Then you need to promote on social media- preferably different platforms so your work gets exposed to a different audience. I’ve been sitting here for two hours just preparing this post (and okay, occasionally checking Whatsapp but my point stands).
  5. There can be some ugliness– Trolls hating on your feed, copycats duplicating your work and passing it off as theirs and even authors just being downright shady in some cases. Google it. I don’t even want to go there but I remember a story of an author tracking down a book blogger’s physical addreses (What the ACTUAL fudge?)

In life, nothing and no one is perfect. I will always say that you should start a book blog. It’s an amazing experience provided you’re doing it for the right reasons and you know what to expect.

Do you have a book blog? Feel free to leave your link below!

Life Update: Me, My Shelf and I

There’s been lots of exciting things happening for me recently so I thought I’d do a blog post about some of them. 

First of all, I’ve finally gotten a permanent contract at work. This made me really happy since from the second I started work about six months ago, I knew that I loved my job. It’s kinda scary since it feels like I’m finally a serious working adult and I don’t know how to deal with that. I’m not equipped to be an adult. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen my new bookshelf. It’s black and red and absolutely gorgeous! 

Lastly I’ve been debating whether or not I should continue reviewing books. I’ve got about 10 or so review books that I still need to read but my regular print books are getting neglected which makes me sad. I miss reading just for fun and not because I need to have a review done before a certain date. I’m still not sure if I am going to still accept review books (it’ll kill me to miss out on all the great days) but it’s definitely something I need to think about.

That’s all for my life update. I’m hoping to have regular blog posts in the future but things never work out the way I want them to when it comes to the blog. 


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