Is there anything better than seeing your favourite characters brought to life? Except maybe adaptations that don’t totally suck. Here are my list of 10 book to screen adaptations that don’t mess up the characters and world that we know and love so much.

- The Harry Potter series: While the Harry Potter series misses out a few details from the book, it still tells enough of the story to entertain and entrance viewers. I have watched it over and over again and I can probably quote it line for line.
- Great Expectations (2012): Great Expectations was a painful book for me to read but I absolutely adored the adaptation. Helena Bonam Carter was born to play Miss Havisham. The casting is brilliant and the acting is moving. The gorgeous outfits don’t hurt either.
- Beauty and the Beast: Is there a female bookworm who has watched the Disney version and not fallen in love with the library? Is there a bookworm who cannot relate to Belle and her love of reading? The 2017 version with Emma Watson features gorgeous sets, comedy and romance. If you haven’t watched it yet, definitely give it a try.
- Twilight: Twilight definitely stayed true to the books (I think). It was one of the first book to screen adaptations that I watched and I enjoyed it immensely. Mainly because I was in love with Robert Pattinson.
- Vampire Academy: Vampire Academy carried all the sass, bad-ass-ness and romance found in the series. While only the first book was made into a movie, it was still great fun to watch. Especially to see Rose and Dimitri in reel life.
- Divergent: The Divergent film is just as action-packed as the book. It’s impossible to read the book and not want to watch the movie or vice versa.
- The Hunger Games: Just as action-packed as Divergent with more twisted killings. It’s a game where you KILL PEOPLE. The horror fan in me is delighted while the human in me is appalled.
- Me Before You: The Me Before You adaptation is romantic, moving and heart-wrenching. I cried during it and after it. While the movie leaves out a few small details from the book, it still retains the heart and emotion.
- The Vampire Diaries: The Vampire Diaries, while not totally accurate to the book, manages to stand on it’s own. Fans of fantasy will love the plot twists, schemes and the gorgeous cast.
- Once Upon a Time: Once Upon a Time is the mother of all adaptations. All the fairytale characters are thrown into the real world where there is no happy ending for them. This show has six seasons and it is still going strong. Definitely watch this if you enjoy fairytale retellings.