Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Following shortly after “The Hunger Games”, “Catching Fire” follow Peeta and Katniss as they embark on a Victory Tour though the districts.
Katniss soon learns that her actions during the Hunger Games have sparked rebellions and as a result, are costing people their lives.
In a desperate attempt to save the citizens as well as her friends and family, Katniss continues to pretend that she and Peeta are a couple.
But nothing they do can stop the flames of rebellion and President Snow retaliates by hosting another Hunger Games with all of the Victors from the previous games.
Katniss is thrown back into the area and forced to fight for her and Peeta’s life…while still being careful not to do or say anything that could spark another rebellion.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book especially the relationship between Katniss and Peeta.
I could never see Katniss falling for Peeta because he just seemed like a wet sponge but this book really made me ship them.
In fact I was so taken with this book that as soon as I finished, I rushed out to buy the first two movies.
I feel like 2019 is way too late to be a Hunger Games fangirl but here I am and I LOVE THIS SERIES!
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