Tag: city of wishes

Fiction Friday: Book Review: The Starlight Quest by Rachel Morgan

The Starlight Quest

The Starlight Quest by Rachel Morgan

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After wishing for her freedom and Dex’s health, Elle is forced to pay the price. This time the Godmother requires her to go into the Never Woods and complete a quest that will change her life.
I was on edge throughout this book just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The Never Woods reminded me of The Hazel Wood. It had the same creepy but compelling atmosphere about it which I enjoyed immensely.
I especially liked how things seemed to be looking up for Elle for once.
This was a really quick, well-written read and I cannot wait to see how things end in the final installment.

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Fiction Friday: Book Review- The Vampire Trap (City of Wishes #2) by Rachel Morgan

Cover of The Vampire Trap (City of Wishes #2)

The Vampire Trap by Rachel Morgan

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Vampire Trap follows Dex and Ella as they try to lure in the vampires with Elle as bait. Elle is desperate to know how the vampires know her mother while Dex wants more knowledge on the “Allegiant” vampires.
Meanwhile, Elle’s step-mother just becomes more and more awful.
This chapter is far more action-packed than I expected. There are several plot twists and I loved seeing more of this world.
These characters are witty and well-written. It is such a delight watching Elle go out with Dex and his friends. I would love to see more of Dex and his world.
If you’re a fan of fantasy then I definitely recommend you give this a try. This is a unique twist on the Cinderella fairytale which I enjoyed immensely.

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