Since my post on 10 Tips for the Instagram Newbie was so popular, I thought I’d do one on Pinterest. Not many people use Pinterest that often which is a shame as it can be so useful. I got my first sponsored post opportunity through Pinterest so I believe in it strongly. Here are six tips for the Pinterest newbie:

1) Have a decent number of pins per board
Personally I feel that your board looks abandoned if it has any less than ten pins. Make sure your boards have a good number of pins so that people know that you’re active on Pinterest.
2) Be active on Pinterest
Like, follow and repin other members. They may return the love. If not, atleast you know you’ve found great new pins.
3) Create a Pinterest board for each of your interests
My Pinterest boards consist of fashion, college, books and blogging. Make sure you state clearly in your description what can be found inside your Pinterest board.
4) But don’t make it too broad
I once saw a great pinner who had about 20 different boards from make-up and organisation to blogging and food. I was too lost to even look at the pins. Ensure that your boards are not too different from one another.
5) Don’t have a million different boards
Just like boards that have nothing to do with each other, a large amount of boards are overwhelming. Stick with enough boards that someone can browse through them and not feel like they’re in a Pinterest maze.
6) Update your Pinterest whenever necessary
Delete boards and pins, create new boards and pins. People change and your Pinterest should change with you especially if you’re using it as a business.
What are your tips for Pinterest? What are your favourite tips of pins? Let me know below.