Tag: review copies

Fiction Friday: Book Review- Born of Defiance (The League #7) by Sherri Lynn Kenyon

Born of Defiance (The League, #7)Born of Defiance by Sherrilyn Kenyon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I really enjoyed this book even though I barely understood it. Talyn is a fighter and an Andarion with no father. As a result of the latter, he faces discrimination on a daily basis. He is treated as less than a person. When Talyn decides to get himself a companion, his entire life changes and he decides he deserves to have something more. I have no idea what an Andarion is (and the book doesn’t explain what it is) but I enjoyed the book nonetheless. I also didn’t understand Andarion culture and tradition but the book explained those. This was a really intriguing book. The plot was suspenseful and the characters well-written and well-developed. I’m definitely going to be following this series. Whatever the Andarions are, they have a rich history and I can’t wait to learn more about them. I strongly recommend this series to all fans of fantasy.

View all my reviews

Fiction Friday: Jonathan Ball Publishers Book Haul

A few days ago (I cannot tell you exactly when because my memory is really crappy), I had a really difficult day. I was exhausted and my head hurt like hell (thinking of someone playing the drums on your head? Yeah that’s what it felt like). So you can imagine how excited I was to come home to a book delivery from Jonathan Ball Publishers. And then I opened the package and omg it was everything I didn’t know I wanted.



These books all look perfect for my reading tastes and I cannot wait to start reading them.



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