I was late for the July and August SPCA booksale so my mother thought to remedy that by waking me up at 7AM. On a Saturday! I don’t know if she’s aware of the fact that I often work Saturdays and my days off are sacred. Anyway we got to the booksale at about 9AM (which is good since that’s when Bargain Books opens). After a quick browse, I came up with an armful of books as well as a collection of kids magazines such as “Sabrina’s Secrets”  and “Make it Groovy” . My inner kid was overjoyed since I loved Sabrina’s Secrets but never had more than one issue since I subscribed (should the correct phrase be “my parents subscribed” since I was only ten at the time?) to Make it Groovy. Eventually that subscription was cancelled (Damn recession) and I was left a sad child. But not anymore *cackles evilly* I am an independent woman and I will have these kids magazines. The guy at the SPCA asked me if I finished the books I bought last month. I admitted that I didn’t read as much as I bought each month and he laughed. (I’m going to get to them one day okay!) 

Obviously after this I visited Bargain Books. I knew I wanted Melissa Delport’s “Legacy” series but things didn’t actually go as planned. There was small hiccup where “A Million Worlds with You” didn’t scan as part of the 3 books for R150 deal. I don’t think I have ever visited Bargain Books and not had an issue at the till. The manager had to be called to fix this and she greeted me warmly before asking if I had finished my last batch of books from their store. I swear I felt so attacked. I laughed and admitted that I hadn’t and she said she thought as much since I had visited the store a few weeks ago. This is what freaks me out- I cannot remember visiting Bargain Books in the past month. Either I have a doppelganger or I’m going book-shopping before blacking out. 

Before leaving the Crescent I popped into Waltons to check their colouring pencils and I also quickly looked at the SPCA books again. Fun fact- they have more than just books. I found some DVDs.

After this the only bookish thing I had left to do was use my Exclusive Books voucher. I knew that I wanted to buy “And I Darken”. Unfortunately there were no copies at the store so I ended up coming home with Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas. I also caught a quick glimpse of Somizi who was visiting the store. Sadly there were too many people for me to take a pic but I was thrilled nonetheless. 

I came home totally exhausted but so happy. I got a great haul of books and other items and I loved it!