A little while back, I read a life-changing book on skincare called The Little Book of Skincare by Charlotte Cho. The book emphasized how important it was to make time for yourself and your skin. I followed the book religiously and it wasn’t long before I realized how much better I felt when I made time to take care of myself. Fast forward a few months and self-care is mentioned more and more often.
It goes beyond just the physical though. Whether it’s spending time with family and friends or just having a lazy day, self-care is what you make of it. It is taking time out to put your needs first.
What do we need self-care?
In today’s busy world, we put everyone and everything before ourselves which usually leads to burnout. By taking the time out for self-care, you put effort into making sure you’re running at perk performance. You cannot help others if you cannot help yourself first.
How to Make Time for Self-Care
- Plan it in advance- Like I said before, self-care is important so if you need to actually schedule it in, do so. I have certain times and dates reserved for family or friends, Netflix and Chill or Korean sheet masks. Say it with me, “I deserve a break.”
- Make it part of a routine- Maybe do your routine at a specific time or a specific day so that it lines up with your plans
- Make it a priority- Life happens. If you miss out on your self-care once in a while it is no big deal but make sure you DO make sure you eventually get some down time.
What is your self-care routine? Do you make time to do it every week? I’d love to know below.