The Rake (Boston Belles, #4)

The Rake by L.J. Shen

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been obsessed with Devon and Belle for as long as I can remember and was so thrilled to have received an e-ARC of this story.
Belle gets some bad news regarding her fertility and decides to start a family ASAP.
Devon comes upon her while she is mourning (he has received some bad news of his own) and offers to help her start the family she so desperately wants.
Bonus points- he’ll even support the child.
Naturally the two of them start to fall in love.
But this is a L.J Shen story so of course there’s Dark secrets and traumatic pasts.
I was already excited to see Belle’s story but this story totally blew my mind.
I think this is one of L.J Shens best work yet.
Belle and Devon have a clear chemistry (that we have seen in previous books). They just work.
This was my Valentines Day read and I do not regret it a single bit.