Job interviews are absolutely nerve-wracking. But while there is no way to escape them, you can help make things easier by following these five simple tips:

1. Check out the location of your interview the day before
My first job interview was at a place that was really difficult to find. However I made my dad take me to the venue the day before so I would know how to get there and how long the drive would take. When I went in for the interview, the manager was super-impressed that I found the place without any trouble and that I was early. Especially when I explained to him that I had visited the location the day before so that I wouldn’t get lost.
2. Print out multiple copies of your CV/Resume
Print out multiple copies of your relevant documentation in case your interview is conducted by more than one person. I did this just because I read this advice somewhere online. I never thought I would actually need it until I went for an interview that was conducted by two managers. They each had a copy of my CV and the receptionist took one for their records. It’s better to have extras just in case.
3. Leave home early
You certainly don’t want to be late for an interview. It reflects very poorly on you no matter what the circumstances were. Make sure you leave home early enough to get to the interview on time.
4. Learn everything you can about the company and the position that you’re applying
I always like to distract myself during interviews by making friends with the other interviewees. I met a girl once who had no idea what the position we were applying for was (it was debt collecting) and when this was revealed in the interview, she was sent home.
5. Ensure that your outfit is professional
Dressing professionally shows that you are serious about the job. First impressions matter and when it comes to an interview, it might be the only impression that you make.
What are your tips for handling job interviews? I’d love to know below.