Dieting is a resolution that all of us make and very few of us actually get around to seeing it through. Now I’m not going to lie, I am a bit smug about this one since I have tried cutting out carbs and it worked great for me.
But also, I’m a really greedy person so it was important to me for me to find a way to keep the weight off without depriving myself of my favorite foods. Here are my tips as a lazy/greedy girl for cutting out carbs from your diet:

- Make a commitment and stick to it– For me, I had tried time and time again to cut out carbs and it never stuck until my doctor told me I was at risk for diabetes. Never have I stuck to a diet so quickly and so strictly in my life. Think about why you want to do this and remind yourself often. Is it to look better in your jeans? Are you trying to live a healthier lifestyle? Find your why and use it as motivation.
- Expect the first weeks to be hell– Remember that it is going to be hard but it is going to be worth it. My first two weeks of cutting out carbs gave me stomach cramps, no energy, sleepless nights and I was miserable. At some point the pain was so bad I just curled up in a ball and (no joke) begged for death. Just remember your why and try to stick to it.
- If it’s too difficult, try cutting DOWN on carbs instead of cutting them out completely– If the pressure gets too much or if you would prefer a less intense change, try slowly cutting down on your carbs instead of cutting them out completely.
- DO treat yourself on occasion– Don’t forget to reward yourself every so often for doing a good job. Make sure it’s a reward that you would enjoy but also make sure that you’re not overdoing it.
- Try to make it a lifestyle change and not a quick fix– For a more permanent result, try to make your new healthy lifestyle a part of your everyday life instead of a quick change. While I no longer cut carbs completely, I am used to life without them and have found a happy balance between no carbs and my previously unhealthy lifestyle.
Have you ever tried a diet? What did you think? I’d love to know below about your experience.