Month: February 2017

Fiction Friday: February Book Haul

February was a pretty small book haul month since I’m no longer going to the SPCA book sales. However I did get some really great reads:


Exclusive Books had a book sale and I found so many books that I had been waiting to read. I also finally have a print copy of Stars Above by Marissa Meyer! Now I’m just missing Cinder and Cress from The Lunar Chronicles.



I also got the Guardians of Summerfeld series by Melissa Delport. And they’re signed!!!


I’m so obsessed with the vampire from this series, it isn’t even funny. Seriously I might need professional help.

Lastly Pan Macmillan sent me a review copy of The Memory Book by Lara Avery. This book is so pretty and it sounds so intriguing. I can’t wait to start reading it.


Have you read any of these books? What did you think? What was your February book haul like? Feel free to leave a comment below.

(A Very Informal) Review of The DIMILY Series

“Did I Mention I Love You” is a series by Estelle Maskame that follows Eden and her on-again-off-again relationship with her step-brother. Now I don’t know about you but that description just makes the series sound cliche and odd. Here’s the thing though- Eden and Tyler meet when she goes to visit her estranged father and his new family. Eden and Tyler have never known each other before and now they’re expected to behave as family. I hated Tyler’s bad boy behaviour in book one (“Did I Mention I Love You) but unlike most bad boys, Tyler actually had a reason for his behaviour. I really enjoyed this book and was devastated when it ended-and I say that as someone who had all three books ready to read. This is a series that NEEDS to be binge-read.



The second book follows Eden and Tyler during a holiday in New York. Tyler is trying to be a better person and it is such a great thing to see. I honestly expected him to be a bad boy throughout the series. It was refreshing to see such great character development.


Eden irritated me in this book since she *SPOILERS AHEAD READ AT OWN RISK* kept expecting Tyler to still have feelings for her even though she was dating his best friend. I was also annoyed when she kept getting jealous over Tyler. Um, you’re dating his best friend and you don’t seem to want to end the relationship. Stop being such a selfish cow *END SPOILERS*

The ending was totally unexpected and took me by surprise and just like the first book, I was desperate to read on.


The last book, “Did I Mention I Miss You” is a blur of feels and so enjoyable. It is far lighter than the first two books and really makes up for all of the previous sad parts.

I enjoyed this series immensely and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys contemporary romance. Just remember that this is a series that is best enjoyed as a binge-read.


How to Get Free Books

I’m not sure if I’m the only bookworm who struggles with book-buying on my tiny college-student budget. What I do know is that books are really expensive. Personally I feel you can’t put a price on a good story. (Though whoever decides book prices certainly doesn’t agree with me). Here are my tips to help you get free books:

Print Books

1) Join the Readers Warehouse Review Crew:

Joining Readers Warehouse as a reviewer allows you to earn Readers Warehouse vouchers for every title that you review. What I really love about this is that Readers Warehouse has always had pretty cheap books so this is a sort of double-saving. Another benefit of being a reviewer for Readers Warehouse is that sometimes you get free print books to review.

2) Join your local library:

Personally I’m not a fan of this since my local librarians literally do nothing. In all the time that I’ve visited them, they’re either chatting to each other or reading. They’re also really rude so visiting the library is a painful experience for me. However if you’re lucky enough to have great librarians (or more patience then I do), borrowing books from the library is a great way to find your next new favourite read.
3) Stalk Social Media for Giveaways:

Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and Instagram are always having giveaways. Frequently stalking social media giveaways is great for finding new books as well as possibly winning books and book swag.


1) Amazon:

Amazon has a great variety of free reads. They also occasionally have “free sales” when books go on sale for free for a limited time.

2) Netgalley:

Netgalley allows you to request and review e-ARCs. The only thing you need to do is ensure that you review the titles that you are approved for.

3) Join Mailing Lists:

Lots of authors include bonus materials or free books when you join their mailing lists. Some authors also have “starter books” which are the first book in the series (allowing you to decide whether or not you like the author’s writing before you start paying money for his/her books).
Do you know of any other ways to get free books? How do you buy books without breaking the bank? I’d love to hear from you.

Fiction Friday: Book Review- Glided Cage by Vic James

Gilded Cage (Dark Gifts, #1)Gilded Cage by Vic James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received a review copy of this book on Netgalley.
Abi and her family go to work as servants for a wealthy and powerful family. But while their job is considered safer and better than working in the slave town, it still has its own horrors. Meanwhile Abi’s brother, Luke is in the brutal slave town where he is subjected to abuse. I spent the first half of the book wondering who got the worse job. Sure Abi’s job was mainly administration but the family she serves, the Jadines, are absolutely terrifying. While Luke has to work under uncomfortable circumstances, he atleast has some sort of solitude at the end of the day.
But then everyone seemed like a friend and then everyone seemed like a foe so I was just confused. Can anyone be trusted? Should no one be trusted? This book had me second-guessing every character and I loved every second of it. The writing is flawless, the plot moves quickly and the twists are unimaginable.
This is one of those books that leave you with a thousand questions. Just give me the rest of the series already. I NEED MORE!!! Go read this book. You won’t regret it.

View all my reviews

The Unexpected January Book Haul

The day after I posted my January book haul, I got an unexpected delivery. I was delighted since it was obviously books but I had no idea what books it was. I opened up the package to find two books from Jonathan Ball Publishers.

Books January Book Haul

I can’t wait to start reading these. I’ve read very few (probably none) traditionally published books. I’m also really excited to read “Almost Anastacia” which releases in May. The synopsis itself was so intriguing and drew me in instantly.


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