Tag: sa readers

Fiction Friday: Book Review- The Woman in The Window

The Woman in the Window

The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Anna has agoraphobia and spends her days watching her neighbours, drinking large amounts of wine and taking the wrong dosage of pills. When the Russells move in, Anna befriends the mother and son. But one day, Anna sees something in the Russells house that she was not supposed to. But who is going to believe someone who has a drinking problem AND medications that may induce hallucinations?
From the first very second that I heard about this book from a fellow book blogger, I knew I wanted to read it. I’m not really a fan of mysteries (usually I get bored and skip to the end but that didn’t happen this time) but this was definitely one of my favourite reads for 2018. A. J Finn’s writing is captivating and I was drawn in from the very first page.
Anna is a cliche as an unreliable narrator with a drinking problem but it was difficult to not feel sympathy for her and her trauma.
This book had me guessing throughout and with all of it’s plot twist and turns. Despite my best efforts, I did figure out a few pieces of the puzzle only for the book to throw me another surprise. I LOVED IT. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who is looking for their next read. This book took me on a roller-coaster ride and I loved it!

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Fiction Friday: Book Review- The Trouble With Flirting by Rochelle Morgan

The Trouble with Flirting (The Trouble Series, #2)The Trouble with Flirting by Rochelle Morgan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was much longer than previous ones in the series but it didn’t drag so that was good. Livi makes a very convincing misfit who longs to change her nerd status as she enters college. I loved that this book was so real. I’ve seen so many people struggle with their image the way that Livi did and I was glad for the insight that this book brought me. Originally I thought that the romance would seem cliché but it happened gradually enough to seem natural.
My favorite part was that this book didn’t seem forced to me. It told the story of a rich girl trying to fit in. This story was not rushed. It was written well and there were themes such as friendship, fitting in and infidelity.

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March Book Haul

March was a pretty great month for my bookhaul. I got ton of great reads and it was actually a struggle for me to pick what to read.

1) SPCA Books:


I have been looking for Geek Girl for ages!!! I have two other books in the series and can’t read them without reading this first. I also finally got my own copy of Me Before You which is one of my favourite books. Lastly I started Ransom My Heart when I was in college and stopped midway. It was really interesting and well-written so I can’t wait to finish it.


So somehow I’ve fallen into collecting Nancy Drew books. I’m not a huge mystery fan and I KNOW I’m not going to start them anytime soon but I just like having them with the other “Childhood Favourites” books I’m collecting like the Goosebumps series and Mary-Kate and Ashley. I also took The Secret Garden because I gave away my copy when I was a kid. Lastly I took Unfiltered by Lily Collins and a few other Non-fiction reads that looked really interesting.

2) Bargain Books:

I accidentally bought The Winner’s Kiss thinking it was the first book in the series- it’s actually the third. The rest of the books were books I really wanted. I read the entire series of Demon Trapper books and have been looking for Foretold for ages.



I also bought these books earlier on in the month when I was having a bad day. I’m most excited to read Paper Butterflies. I remember when it first came out and there was so much of hype about it. I’m going to read it as soon as I can.






3) Review Copy:

I received a review copy of The Woman in The Window from Jonathan Ball Publishers. I started reading it as soon as I got it and it is a pretty gripping novel. It follows the pretty cliche plot of “woman with agoraphobia sees something she shouldn’t” but I just KNOW this novel is going to have an epic ending.


What new books did you get recently? What are you reading? I’d love to know below.

Fiction Friday: Book Review- Blood Fury by J.R Ward

Blood Fury (Black Dagger Legacy, #3)Blood Fury by J.R. Ward
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Rich vampire aristocrat, Peyton accidentally causes his teammate Novo to be attacked in battle. As Novo tries to recover from her brutal injuries, Peyton realises that he might have feelings for her. Feelings that have more to do with his heart than his body. Peyton has always found Novo attractive but as they spend time together, he starts to realise that he wants a future with her. However Novo is carrying painful scars from her past and refuses to let anyone in. The last time Novo fell in love, the vampire left her pregnant and moved on to her sister. Peyton knows that Novo is hiding some sort of hurt but he is determined to help her through it.
Meanwhile Saxton find an attraction to Ruhn, a new and reserved member of the household. Saxton and Ruhn was an odd pairing but I loved them together. Originally I was only interested in this book for Peyton and Novo. However their relationship seemed more of an “instant love” thing and I soon got bored. Despite that, I really enjoyed this book. I never grow tired of the world-building and the characters in this novel. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys romance or fantasy.

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10 Reasons Why I Prefer eBooks to Paperbacks

The ebook VS paperback debate has been raging on for centuries. Ok, not really but it feels that way. I remember when ebooks first came out and bookworms declared that nothing would kill their precious paperbacks. And now there are ebook bookworms, paperback bookworms, hardback bookworms, audible bookworms, people who go see the movie and then get the books (Why though?). For me, I don’t really have a preference. I read both ebooks and paperbacks. I don’t read hardbacks coz they’re uncomfortable but I love owning them (don’t judge me). Here are 10 reasons why I prefer eBooks to paperbacks.


  1. You can carry a million books with you at once- Back when I was in college, I used to carry hundreds of books to read in between classes. It was great since I could read whatever I felt like reading instead of being restricted to just the book in my bag (which was usually my assigned novel. Not fun to read at all.)
  2. You can read anywhere- Read in the car, read in the line at the grocery store, read in the toilet, read in public and not have people bother you. For some reason it’s more socially acceptable to be stuck with your phone in hand than with a book.
  3. No need to use bookmarks- I don’t know about you but I am forever losing my bookmarks. eBooks don’t need bookmarks which helps me stay in the middle of 3-5 different books without the risk of losing my precious bookmarks.
  4. Books can be 700 pages and you don’t feel that weight- I was shocked when I first saw “Winter” by Marissa Meyer in print. I READ THAT??? In three days? HOW?
  5. Usually cheaper- You can spend tons of money on eBooks without coming anywhere close to what you would pay for a paperback. Also Amazon makes it ridiculously easy to purchase Kindle books. One click and voila, you have a new book.
  6. eARCS- eARCS are one of my favourite reasons for eBooks. You can read copies of books before they release!
  7. I read ebooks faster- I don’t know if it is just me but I read eBooks faster than print books. This is a definite plus for me since I can get my reviews done faster.
  8. Read in the dark- I love snuggling up in bed with my Kindle and the lights off. Have you read a horror book in the dark? It’s thrilling. (Random fact- I read Harry Potter before bed once and was woken up by lightning with the thought that “Voldemort is coming to kill me!”
  9. Takes up less space- This is great for someone who buys so many books. Less space= used more books
  10. Harder to damage- I have the awful habit of accidentally damaging my books which of course never happens with eBooks.


Do you prefer eBooks or paperbacks? I’d love to know below.

Fiction Friday: Book Review- Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass #1)

Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Celaena Sardothien (that name though… How does Sarah J Maas get her character’s names???) is an eighteen-year-old killer who is imprisoned in a mine for her crimes. Her only shot at freedom is to win a competition and work for the king- killing those who are against him. The very same king who basically ruined the lives of everyone.
I liked this book but found it overdone. Everyone kept fawning over Celaena and I honestly didn’t see her appeal. Um, hello she’s a killer.
I loved watching her train for the competition as she makes it clear that while many are obsessed with her looks, she is more than just a pretty face. She is fierce and deadly. It is easy to see why she was the most wanted assassin. I think this book sets the stage for the series really well but it is no “A Court of Thorns and Roses” (which is what I was expecting). Nonetheless I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys fantasy and is looking for a series for more than a few books out.

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March #CurrentlyReading

March has just started but I already feel like I’ve read a million books (I haven’t. I’m just in the middle of lots of books). Here are the books that I am currently reading for March:


  • Shanna by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss- The bookclub I’m part of on Facebook has a few members reading this and their reactions have been so entertaining that I had to get myself my own copy.
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo- This is an audiobook and I think I only bought it because it was on sale. Oh well. I’ve been enjoying it so far and already saved a credit for “Crooked Kingdom”.
  • Shopaholic Abroad by Sophie Kinsella- I found this while reorganising my bookshelf and I was so excited. I loved Confessions of a Shopaholic and really related to the character of Becky. I can’t wait to see what kooky adventures she gets stuck in next.
  • Winter Glass by Lexa Hillyer- I started this and then stopped after chapter one because I NEED to binge this book. Life, go away. I have questions from book one and I really hope they’ll be answered here.

What books are you planning to read in March? I’d love to know below.

Fiction Friday: Expelled by James Patterson

ExpelledExpelled by James Patterson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This was the first James Patterson book I ever read and it was sadly underwhelming. Theo gets kicked out of school for something he didn’t do and is determined to figure out who framed him. His idea? To go around with a video camera, asking questions to other student until he finds proof that he’s been set up. This is a pretty odd idea- in real life, no one would admit to setting someone else up so I don’t know what was going on with that strange plot point.
This book was incredibly well-written with an intriguing mystery (which really made up for Theo’s ridiculous camera idea). I loved how everyone seemed to have something to hide. However while the mystery compelled me to read non-stop, the ending was pretty flat and predictable.

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Book Review: One Paris Summer by Denise Grover Swank

One Paris SummerOne Paris Summer by Denise Grover Swank
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I had this books for months before reading it (life got in my way) and I sorely regret it. Once I stated this book it was impossible to stop reading. Sophie and her brother visit Paris for their father’s wedding. However their new sister seems determined to do anything and everything to spoil Sophie’s time abroad. Added to that there’s a hot and mysterious guy who’s friend with the evil step-sister AND Sophie’s longtime crush seems to be turning into a jerk. Could things get any worse? Yes, they can but you’ll have to read the book to find out more. At several points I just wanted to curl up in a corner and cry. Sophie goes through so much and it just upsets me. Paris is supposed to be magical and romantic, not full of horrible mean people.
This book was such a delight to read. I really wish I read it sooner. I thought Sophie’s relationship seemed a bit too serious for someone her age but besides that I loved every other thing about this book. I’d love to see a sequel about the other characters who are all so memorable.

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Fiction Friday: Caraval (Caraval #1) by Stephanie Garber

Caraval (Caraval, #1)Caraval by Stephanie Garber
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There are two types of “Caraval” readers: those who loved it and those who found the hype totally undeserved. I was one of the former which was a good thing since I picked this as my first ‘FREE’ Audible read (definitely check out the audiobook. The narrator is amazing).
“Caraval” follows the story of sisters, Scarlett and Tella. The girls have grown up hearing stories about the magical Caraval but neither of them have ever experienced a show firsthand. In fact, neither of them have ever left their island or their abusive father. However, a week before she is about to marry, Scarlett receives a special invitation to Caraval by Legend, the master of Caraval himself. Scarlett is too afraid to attend the event but Tella is determined to finally see a performance for herself. When Tella runs away to Caraval, Scarlett follows her to bring her home before their father catches them. However Scarlett soon discovers that her sister is the star of this year’s game. Tella has been kidnapped and the first person to find her will win Caraval and a wish of their choice. Scarlett has been warned that everything that happens is just a game. But as time goes on, it becomes more and more difficult to trust anyone or anything around her. This book had me second-guessing myself and I loved it. There were millions of twist and turns, some predictable and some not. This book was a rollercoaster ride and it was such a delight to experience. I enjoyed the audiobook so much that I eventually bought an ebook copy so I could read on my own whenever it was not possible to listen (and I’m going to get myself a hardcover copy too because it was just that good). I really enjoyed this book and I CANNOT wait for the release of “Legendary”.

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