The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I had to brace myself going into this book since it was the last book in my boxset.
The Last Battle opens with a toxic friendship between a not so clever donkey and a very devious monkey.
When the monkey comes across a lion skin, he invents a scheme that changes all of Narnia for the worse.
Aslan summons the Friends of Narnia to help but this time it looks like they might be too late.
This was a great book but it felt like all it did was make me cry and smile and feel all warm in my heart. Over. And over. And over again.
This was a great series that I enjoyed despite my very adult age
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Book Review: The Last Battle by C.S Lewis
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You’ve described this so vividly that I almost felt like I was standing at the gates of Narnia myself. Incredible review!